Friday, June 10, 2011

Narcissistic Dictionary

Indonesia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of Indonesia.

narcissistic, personality disorder, Or Narsisus Narcissus fell in love with himself. Painting by Michelangelo Caravaggio.
Narcissism is a feeling of love for yourself excessive. People that narcissism is not always confident in public, but can be also shown by the likes photographing yourself. Usually people that narcissism is a model. because they often get compliments and it causes them to feel confident and ultimately redundant.
Narcissism is a feeling of love for yourself excessive.
Spencer A Rathus and Jeffrey S. Nevid mentions in his book, Abnormal Psychology (2000) that the person who Narcissistic views itself in a way that excessive. They love to boast about themselves and expect others to give a compliment.
This can be excessive admiration toward his own face or can be of particular body parts such as fans eye shape, lip shape, calves etc..
Narcissistic signs include:
• felt very important and wants to be known by others
• feel unique and special self
• like to be praised and, if necessary praise yourself
• addiction photographed or filmed
• like to linger long in front of mirror
Someone who is narcissistic often unwittingly also have a desire to "show off" to others, no matter whether you want demonstrating a turn is part of the body "private".
The need for attention can also make a person vulnerable to physical deficiencies. There are very uncomfortable because of acne because of "naughty", there was need grooming total, although only just going to the market.
What is the narcissistic equivalent of "confidence"? Beda!
• Someone who is narcissistic position itself as an object, while someone who is confident to position itself as a subject
• A person who believes himself not too worried with or without the praise of others because of physical advantages possessed, perceived as a gift of God that is always grateful
• Someone who is confident is more focused on "self-competence" rather than physical appearance.

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