Sunday, June 26, 2011

Justin Bieber Mysterious Men Attacked

Justin Bieber is present in a shopping center in New York to promote her new perfume, Someday. Suddenly, an unidentified man jumped over a barrier and attack the pop star.

A report said the attacker was actually an undercover police officer. He deliberately jumped into the crowd Beliebers (as fans Justin) to protect the lover Selena Gomez from the crowd Beliebers an increasingly crowded.

Apparently, according to the undercover police, the crowd of teenage girls seemed to be attacking Justin. Therefore, he felt compelled to take action to save Justin.

as reported by Hollyscoop on Friday (06/24/2011), Justin did not know if the mystery man was an undercover cop. Instead he thought he was going to attack him.

ABC News reported that Justin looked shocked and upset. After the incident, he returned to the mall to meet and greet other fans.

Situation became noisy when the fans can not be controlled. They all approached the Bieber and said, "We should have a perfume that," cried the beliebers. (Rik)


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